All. Who. Serve.
At our events, in our messaging, we encourage service because it made us who we are and we’re better for it. And now as always, America needs her sons and daughters to hear that call to service, and to answer it.
Thanks for what you do, it matters. And I hope you take us up on that free beer thing, too.
On the GORUCK front, we have partnered with two trusted verification services to issue the discount of 15% off Full Priced Gear. GovX discounts will not apply to events at this time.
We use GovX ID to provide 15% off FULL Priced Gear at
This earned discount only applies to US groups.
**Public school teachers at all education levels are considered government employees so when you sign up there will be an option to select public school teacher before verifying your account
See ALL GOVXID Approved Groups Here
How to apply your GOVXID for FULL Priced Gear Orders
- Fill up your shopping cart!
- Click on the Shopping Cart icon in the top right hand corner
- Click the GOVXID option at the bottom of the payment options
- A separate window will pop up for you to enter your GOVXID login username and password (make sure you do not have pop-ups blocked on your browser)
- After a successful login your GOVXID discount code will populate - click USE CODE and it will apply at checkout
Earned Service does not apply towards any training programs or subscriptions services (i.e. Sandbag Training+Ruck Program and Tribe. This includes buy back Tribe patches from prior months). Also, discounts will not apply to any items already on sale.