We are not able to include sand with your sandbag/filler order due to carrier restrictions and the fact that we are not a sand supplier.
We recommend that you use a standard all purpose sand from a hardware store if you do not have access to a local beach. Using other filler such as pebbles or gravel is not recommended as any jagged edges can cause damage to your gear.
Quikrete all purpose works well and you can check that out here: All-Purpose Sand
Try to avoid using anything finer such as play sand as this type of sand can leak out of the fillers and dust up the inside of your sandbag. ALSO, because play sand is finer than most other sands, it will compact harder than a standard all purpose sand which can cause your filler to be stiff and unable to fit properly inside your sandbag. Fillers should be able to bend and move slightly so they fit properly.